Xerra's Blog

Drunken coder ramblings

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At the halfway point on RAM. —

First of all, now we’re at the halfway point of the competition, my game has a name. I’ve opted for RAM – something short and to the points. Easy to remember, and you could play around with words based on the acronym. As computer people will know, RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory […]

New competition, new game —

Syntax Bombs next game coding competition started on May 4th so I’ve had this bank holiday weekend to have a think about what I’d like to do this time. There are three category mixes to go for and the idea is you have to pick one of them and follow both the types of game: […]

And the winner was … —

Not Envahi, as it turns out, but that was to be expected as the games submitted were excellent. Third place was a nice little bonus, however, even if it was only because the holder of the competition always discounts the votes on his own game – and his was the winner by far. I even […]

Evahi’s development timeline —

Over the last ten weeks I worked on Envahi to submit for a game coding competition on www.syntaxbomb.co.uk Most of the guys who submitted entries made a seperate post about their games in a showroom forum so as not to clutter the voting thread. I did one too and posted the following message which I’m […]

Envahi is finished —

After a marathon coding session over Saturday and Sunday I finally got the game finished. It’s not perfect but it’s still a great pick-up game considering I sacrificed a few things at the end to make the deadline. Most of the time on Sunday was spent tracking down some real pain-in-the-butt bugs from new stuff […]

2 more days —

Not going to write too much here as I am literally at the final crunch now with Envahi. It’s early Sunday morning and the game needs to be completed, hosted somewhere and will need final builds for both Mac and PC. Spent a lot of time over the last week strictly whittling down the list […]

Deadline day approaches —

Didn’t realise that it’s been over 3 weeks since the last update on the blog. Luckily the game hasn’t been neglected as well. As the title says, deadline day is fast approaching now for Envahi to be completed and submitted for the competition. Will it be complete by then? I think so. Will it have […]

The final gameplay element —

A dramatic title for this entry but probably a bit of an over-statement. Over the weekend I put a lot of time into Envahi again after my temporary switch back to Boulderdash to start work on the object system. I’ve got that working up to a point where I could test the enemies and, whilst […]