Xerra's Blog

Drunken coder ramblings

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Boulderdash update —

I spent a long weekend in Devon visiting Aaron over the last few days where we brain-stormed and decided to have a look at what could be done with the enemy AI in Boulderdash. At present Envahi is progressing steadily so we didn’t really look at that at all as I don’t really need any […]

Around week three now. —

More background work has gone into Envahi so what I have right now is a stable (as in no crashing) version 0.09 of the game currently in place. Version numbers don’t mean much to me as I just use them to keep track of where I am and will bump the game straight to V1.0 […]

End of week one progress —

Actually, it’s a bit further on than that as the competition started on January 30th and it’s now 10th of February. So, twelve days in. Just short of two weeeks. Around a fifth of the allowed time has already passed. Am I still on track? Firstly I’ve been busy today setting up a proper network […]

Envahi continues —

Some nice Airwolf music goes in today as I got permission from the composer to use it for this game. It certainly sounds good when I play it on the hacked together title screen. Took the unusual step of putting together the screen that shows when the game first launches today. I wanted to use […]

Envahi – Day one —

Tuesday January 30th, 2018 Boulderdash – as close as it is to completion – is going on hold today as I’ve decided to enter a competition to code a small game based on either a TV or Movie theme. This competition is being run by the Syntax Bomb website which is frequented by a lot […]

Don’t speak too soon —

Warp butterflies have returned with a vengeance. I’ve worked so much on the AI for these things now that it was inevitable that I’d get the bug coming back as I’ve rewritten the bloody script so much. They mostly still behave, however, so I’ve left them as they are and not ported the script to […]

Warp mode butterflies are extinct —

Finally tracked down a nasty bug today which has been in the game since I first added the butterfly movement routines. Due to me using tiles for all the game play objects in this game, I’ve had to write a particularly long and cumbersome script to handle the movement pattern of the butterflies in-game. Currently […]

Getting near Xmas —

It’s getting near Xmas now and, like everyone else, there’s lots of stuff going on that has made Boulderdash development a bit slower than i would have expected. So, time for an update, so everyone can be sure I’ve not actually fallen asleep. To start with this month, I’ve been mainly working on the AI […]