Xerra's Blog

Drunken coder ramblings

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Boulderdash finally finished —

I started working on a Boulderdash remake back in 2017 and it was pretty much one of my first games that I worked on solo when I switched to working with Gamemaker Studio 2. Readers who’ve seen some of the first blog entries here will have seen that I was actually going guns blazing putting […]

Time to start work on a new game —

I’ve been thinking about starting a new game outside of the competition ones that I’ve been doing for the last couple of years finally. The deadlines that have been imposed from writing competition games has increased my productivity massively during this time and, for the Six competitions I worked on a game, I delivered for […]

Syntax Bomb Xmas Magazine Issue 1 —

The Syntax bomb website (where all my recent competition games have been submitted) have released a Xmas annual – their 1st one. Hopefully there will be many more to come. In there Creepy Crawlies is covered in a retrospective of the recent Mix-it-Up competition and also a condensed excerpt of the first Two chapters of […]

Creepy Crawlies released —

Today I finished and released Creepy Crawlies for the Syntax Bomb game coding competition number Nine. This is my second game of the year and the fifth competition I’ve entered as I don’t count my incompleted entry for competition number Five. I really should blog about the development of these games more but, as always, […]

Damnation Alley released —

I’ve finally finished my Retro Wars competition entry for the latest Syntax bomb game coding competition. More info can be found in these two forum threads and you can use the Itch.IO link to see the game page and give it a go. https://www.syntaxbomb.com/index.php/topic,5211.0.html https://www.syntaxbomb.com/index.php/board,51.0.html Damnation Alley

Bah, Humbug! is released. —

I finally completed and released Bah, Humbug! on Itch.io around 11pm on 23rd of December. I should have put a post up a bit earlier but, like Rockman, I only just made the deadline for Syntax Bomb’s 7 week competition so I had a few other things to do. Oh, yeah. And this Xmas thing […]

Rockman is released —

I’ve been very quiet last three months because I’ve had my head down working on my GMS2 project files and the latest Syntax Bomb competition. We had six weeks to complete a maze themed game this time and I managed to upload and post Rockman with 6 minutes to spare. Very uncomfortable the final few […]

RAM update and moving forward —

Sorry for lack of updates the last few weeks. I was much busier than anticipated both trying to get the game finished, and the additional weekends that I’ve spent away doing stuff like weddings and stag do’s. I’m also just back from a weeks holiday in Spain so I’ve been a while away from the […]