Xerra's Blog

Drunken coder ramblings

Author Archive

Gridrunner released —

[EDIT] Gridrunner won 2nd place in the Syntax Bomb “Best of the 80’s” game coding competition. I’ve just released my latest game on Itch, which has been written for the Syntax Bomb game competition, Retro 80’s. https://xerra.itch.io/gridrunner I chose to do a remake of Gridrunner & Matrix, of which I have fond memories from my […]

Website tidy up —

Finally did some tidying up on the old site since it was resurrected from the hosting providers screw up. Link straight to my games is safe now. I noticed that the old link was pointing to a non-secure version previously. Got rid of some redundant widgets and tidied/moved others up. My most recent game is […]

99 Crazy ways to order a pizza —

If using a touch-tone, press random numbers while ordering. Ask the person taking the order to stop doing that. Make up a charge-card name. Ask if they accept it. Use CB lingo where applicable. Order a Big Mac Extra Value Meal. Terminate the call with, “Remember, we never had this conversation.” Tell the order taker […]